Friday, November 16, 2007

The Mango Dumplin' Gang

Noah, Jimmy, Grayce, Cody, Kay, Billy (Noah and Cody's Dad, Shawn in supervision mode)
This is a good portion of the kids that were on the ex-pat Zoo outing. (It's not all of them due to the nature of this animal at the zoo. A complete photo is nearly impossible as they are very fleet of foot and endlessly curious making them unable to stay in one spot for any length of time.).
Many of the the ex-pats have their family in India with them. I was surprised to discover that many of them have kids in the same age range as the Murphy clan. On the other hand, kids age 2-6 are perfect for the experience as they easily adapt to the changes and are also at the very impressionable age to take the wonderful experiences of India with them through life.
The Murphy's live in a gated community with some bigger houses so ex-pat playmates are a built-in advantage.
The Mango Dumplin' Gang seems mostly like kids in the U.S. at the same age....the 6 year olds are into Animal Planet and Power Rangers. The 4 years olds are into non-stop movement of any kind and art (Kay). The two year olds are...well, a lovely two. I am not being snide- I didn't see any 'terrible two' in India.
What's different? The younger kids easily learn and understand when Hindi is spoken to them. The older kids (Jimmy) are able to correct my pronunciation and sing the commercial jingles in Hindi. Ha! Kids memorizing commercial jingles....some things are just universal, huh?
Peace- W:)

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