Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween, how spooky.......

After a quick trick-or-treating round of the neighborhood, we were off to our weekend holiday to Pondicherry.

Starting late in the evening, our aim was getting 2/3rds of the way there.....a hotel 200km from home.

I know...sounds sort of funny, doesn't it. 200 km isn't very far. Reminder: I'm in India. My guess (I'm not looking up the direct conversion now) is that's about 170 mi?

Why does travel take so long?
  • we had a new driver hired for this trip alone...who got a little lost
  • traffic. traffic here is just not like traffic at home. We'll talk.......
  • had some rain and darkness to contend with
  • had road conditions including miles of potholes as big as Oklahoma 'lakes'
  • because of the combination of most of the points listed above, we also had a flat tire.

Imagine it....the Indian 'outback', it wasn't raining but lightening was all around us. I saw a snake sliver across the road. It's 1:30 a.m. and we're broken down with a flat tire.

Now, that's a good old fashioned spooky Halloween adventure. :-D
Of course it ends well- I'm on the Internet! Unphased, we pulled into our hotel 7 and 1/2 hrs later.
The Murphy's are quite a hardy crew. That includes, you know, a 6, 4, and 2 year old. Yes, I also handled it well. I really felt that I shouldn't behave any worse than the 2 year old, so that didn't leave me any room for an emotional outburst. ;-)
The journey to that point was exciting and well worth the adventures of our weekend getaway.
More to come!
To bed now.

HUGs all- W:)


M said...

Yes, I get it. Sounds like parts of Africa or any just developing country. It is all part of the adventure. So glad that you did not have an "outburst". You might have embaressed the kids!

M said...

Oh, by the way, what was your costume on Halloween W???